Thursday, May 14, 2015

Podcast Review of "The HIdden FM Radio Inside Your Pocket, And Why You Can’t Use It"

I watched’s podcast called “The HIdden FM Radio Inside Your Pocket, And Why You Can’t Use It". Although the podcast was only 3:54 it was hard to actively listen to something that had no visual. The podcast explained that in the majority of mobile phones there are FM radio receivers installed, but  most mobile carriers have deactivated them. Personally, I think that carriers block waaaay too many features on mobile phones already and to not have access to a FM receiver is not surprising. If I had to narrow down a cause, I would conclude that carriers have not found a way to bill us for the service. The commentator stated that mobile carriers would be giving away data that could otherwise be billable. To counteract the loss of revenue, there would be some type of revenue system setup. In addition, the commentator argued that in an emergency situation the FM receiver  in a mobile phone would be a solid line of communications. I totally agree. I would love to have one less gadget to carry, especially something that is a viable means of communication.